

Spicy Mussel Chowder


This is a dish that has featured on our menu from time to time, it’s always popular and goes really well with a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé or Pinot Gris.


  1. 3 large onions
  2. 1 bunch celery
  3. 4 large potatoes
  4. 750g butter
  5. 8 tablespoons green curry paste
  6. 25g salt
  7. 10 g black pepper
  8. 520g plain flour
  9. 750ml white wine
  10. 4 litres of fish stock
  11. 2kg roughly chopped mussel meat (beard and tongue removed)
  12. Zest from 4 lemons
  13. 2 cups fine herbs e.g. dill, parsley chervil


  1. Sweat diced vegetables in butter
  2. Add curry paste, salt & pepper
  3. Add flour and cook
  4. Add wine and cook for 2 minutes
  5. Add fish stock
  6. Simmer until potato is al dente. (Just cooked)
  7. Add more stock if needed.
  8. Add mussels, lemon zest & herbs

Finish with cream, garnish with fresh herbs, and enjoy!

serves 4

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