

Les Misérables


We have proudly supported the Blenheim Musical Theatre since 2006 and they have just finished a very successful season of Les Misérables, directed by Peter Meikle, musical direction by Linda Holdaway and choreography by Lianna Bell.

Sold out audiences and standing ovations every night attest to the talent in the region, it certainly blew us away when we went along.  8 months of rehearsals, 3 containers of set and costumes, 184 people in the company, 127 covid infections, 2 trips to A&E, one 50th wedding anniversary, 1 engagement and 1 new romance were the statistics for the show. It took 2 days to put up the magnificent set – the barricade alone was 3 metres high!

It was fantastic to be able to go and see live theatre again and we congratulate all involved for the magnificent show and for all their hard work.

Incidentally, Phil Rose’s great grandfather, John Rose, arrived here in 1858 and was a member of the Operatic Society, (Blenheim Musical Theater was once called this) so we think it very fitting to be the major sponsor of this organisation and we look forward to next years’ show with great anticipation!

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